【透過簽名,我們存在。】天!我們看見了「Sonic Signer紋聲簽筆」的口述故事!



[caption id="attachment_1453" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Sonic Signer 纹聲簽筆 採用聲紋辨識技術,透過藍芽轉換來書寫文字[/caption]

Sonic Signer 纹聲簽筆、如牧創新、RUMU

如牧創新、Sonic Signer 纹聲簽筆、RUMU

在書寫的年代,人類用筆跡代表自己,在數位的時代,我們要還給無法提筆的人們 一個專屬的身份證明。透過聲音的波型,呈現自己獨特的另一種文字型態;

「Sonic Signer紋聲簽筆」就這麼誕生了。


[caption id="attachment_1441" align="aligncenter" width="600"]SonicSigner、紋聲簽筆、如牧創新、RUMUINNO Sonic Signer紋聲簽筆[/caption]

Our name is the first word we learned to write.
Our signatures Leave a mark from the past, express our feelings in the present, And make a pledge for the future.

Through our signatures, we exist. But in their whole lives, they have never written their own names. In the age of writing, people used pen strokes to express themselves. In the digital age, we want to give back a unique proof of identity to those who can’t lift a pen.

Film / 如牧創新 RUMU INNO
Text / 方間編輯部、JRJiLAB


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