看見高雄日常生活 - 澳洲微型建築藝術家Joshua Smith


還記得前陣子台南國華街景登上《BRUTUS》雜誌,進而引起網友正反兩面評論的事情嗎?正當我們還在討論台灣街景美醜的時候,澳洲藝術家Joshua Smith關注的正是台灣這種日常的街景,像是鐵鏽、髒汙、街頭塗鴉或是路邊垃圾等老舊建築,並將它製作成1:20的比例模型。

台灣早期家家戶戶都安裝的鐵窗,經年累月已殘舊不堪,在Joshua Smith眼裡卻是在好不過的素材。透過他的模型可以發現我們所生活街景的細微處,路上可見有些美感不協調的招牌設計,這些是我們生活的一部分,也是我們還可以努力改變的地方。


This Friday night in Kaohsiung in Taiwan I will be exhibiting my work for the first time in Taiwan with @arcadeartgallery showing my work alongside such talent as @bambooyang @vhils and many others. The exhibition only runs for a few days in Kaohsiung as part of the Streets of Taiwan festival. For more details Google search When the Sun Goes Down exhibition Arcade Art Gallery. For my artwork I worked with 2 taiwanese writers SAME and DABS1 who kindly allowed me to recreate their work on a miniature scale for my artwork. I'm honoured to be able to collaborate with such well respected writers. In the coming months I will be working with other international writers for a series of new works based on buildings in HK and NYC. Stay tuned for more details. This week follow my Instagram stories for progress on the Nylex silos, dumpsters and also another scavenger hunt I will be doing later in the week. Photo credit: @ben_neale #miniature #scratchbuilt #scalemodel #abandoned #urbex #urbandecay #urbanart #graffiti #taiwan #arcadeartgallery #joshuasmithminiature #architecturalmodel #architecture #facade #dailymini #iknowjoshuasmith

Joshua Smith(@joshua_smith_street_artist)分享的貼文 於 張貼


常常會運用鮮明突兀的顏色來吸引路人眼球的熟悉招牌,雖然這樣的招牌設計在美感上是有些不協調,卻一樣也是台灣在地特有的景色,Joshua Smith 也完美地呈現。



Joshua Smith(@joshua_smith_street_artist)分享的貼文 張貼

其它細緻的程度像是鐵鏽感,或是街頭塗鴉,連夜晚燈光的呈現都絲毫不馬虎。再加上台灣街頭最多的機車元素,各種元素加起來成為了獨一無二的台灣!其作品也曾在倫敦、巴黎、柏林、紐約、悉尼和墨爾本展覽。11/10起於高雄Arcade美術館展出中,名為When the Sun Goes Down街頭藝術展,想看看Joshua Smith真實作品的朋友絕對不能錯過唷!

也可關注Joshua Smith的Instagram,一起來看看Joshua Smith的作品吧~

When the Sun Goes Down 
開幕式:2017 年 11 月 10 日 . 晚上 5 - 9 點
地址:高雄市苓雅區衛武里社區( 捷運衛武營站5號出口)
ARCADE 官網:arcadeartgallery

廣告時間 ——